4 Telltale Signs That Your Washer Equipment Requires Urgent Professional Repair


A washing machine is an essential home appliance that helps you automatically clean your dirty garments. However, this equipment may develop problems along the way and fail to function as required. But how do you recognize a faulty washing machine? If you notice the following signs, know your washer is on the fritz and requires urgent repairs from a professional to get it back to normal working condition.

Abnormal Noises from the Appliance

When finishing up with your laundry, you may hear strange or loud noises coming from the unit. That can potentially signify a problem with the machine. You can try moving laundry around to check whether there will be any change. However, if that doesn't solve the issue, the machine's motor mount or drum may have loosened up. Fixing either of these components is a task best left to the professionals with the right expertise and tools to resolve the problem.

If the Drum Isn't Receiving Enough Water

The washing machine relies on water to work effectively. However, if the drum isn't receiving enough water or no water at all, there is a problem. This issue may arise from a simple loop in the supply horse or partially turned on faucets. It's easy to fix such cases, but you'll require an expert to handle issues like intake valve clogs and other advanced problems for the system to work optimally.

The Drum Ceases to Spin

Sometimes taking a look inside the washing machine may reveal a stalled drum. Typically, this problem arises from defective lid switches or equipment belts. Fixing a belt isn't that hard. However, getting the lid switch to function as required may call for repair service from a professional. Therefore, when the drum fails to spin, consider hiring a technician to look into your lid switch.

Electrical Fault

Another telltale sign of a malfunctioning washing machine is a faulty electrical system. Such an issue is more advanced, and unless if you have electrical training and skills, it's wise to enlist a professional electrician to diagnose and fix it. Besides, unprofessional DIY electrical repairs may result in even more damage to the washing machine unit. It'll, therefore, be imperative to consider hiring a reputable electrician to assess and repair any electrical faults on the machine.

If you observe any of these four issues with your washing machine, it may be possible to correct the situation with a simple fix. However, advanced problems require an experienced and trained professional who is knowledgeable in equipment parts, troubleshooting, and repairs. Reach out to a professional for washer repair services. 


26 February 2021

Too Many Appliances Are Needlessly Discarded Today

My father worked as an appliance repair technician. I was always fascinated by his job, and I learned a lot just listening to him talk about his days at work with my mother. While he retired years ago, and I decided to not to follow in his footsteps in my career choice, I am still fascinated by how appliances work and especially how they have changed over the years. However, I have noticed one trend I don't like, and that is that too many appliances are thrown out when all they need is simple, quick fixes. I don't think that today's generation really knows when appliances can be fixed instead of replaced and how much money they are throwing away by not knowing! I decided to create a blog to share my tips with everyone, and I hope I can play a part in teaching young people today about appliances.