5 Everyday Reasons Your Dishwasher Is Leaking


It's not normal for your dishwasher to leak on the floor while it's running. It may be inconvenient to clean up, but it could also lead to serious injury if somebody isn't aware that it's there, not to mention the warping and staining that it could to your floor (especially hardwood).

Fortunately, it's usually pretty easy to diagnose the issue to one of the major reasons listed below. If you investigate all of the causes below and still find you have an issue, call a local appliance repair shop to come out and diagnose the problem.

1. Dishwasher Off Balance

Installing your dishwasher is just one of the many appliance services that plumbers and other local professionals perform, and this is one that may be worth hiring out. While it's not too technical to install a dishwasher, if it's off-level by even a centimeter, water can collect on the bottom of the unit and then pool out onto the floor. Put a level at the bottom of the unit; if it's out of alignment, you may have found the problem.

2. Leaky Door Seal

Over time, the seal on your dishwasher can deteriorate and become brittle, leaving your dishwasher open to leaks. Other times, the seal can simply be knocked out of alignment by everyday use. Run your seal along the side of the dishwasher that you notice the leak, and see if there are any areas where the seal could be broken. If it's broken beyond repair, you might need to make a call to an appliance repair tech to service your dishwasher.

3. Loose Door

Sometimes, a leak in your dishwasher is as simple as a door that is not fully latched. Your latch could be bent just enough to allow water to escape; if so, grab a screwdriver and bend the latch a little to tighten it up. If it's loose, a couple turns should be enough to tighten it back up and prevent leaks from forming. If it won't stay shut after that, you may nee a new completely new latch system installed.

4. Defective Water Valve

Your water inlet valve is responsible for feeding water from the main water line into your dishwasher itself, but in some cases, that line may be corroded, causing the line to leak onto your floor. To check, remove the bottom plate of your dishwasher and inspect the waterline. If you see a slow drip on the line, you've found the culprit.

Remember: Always disconnect your power source before doing any form of appliance repair. Assume every appliance is live and can turn at any moment until you do.

For more tips, reach out to an appliance repair service in your area.


11 June 2020

Too Many Appliances Are Needlessly Discarded Today

My father worked as an appliance repair technician. I was always fascinated by his job, and I learned a lot just listening to him talk about his days at work with my mother. While he retired years ago, and I decided to not to follow in his footsteps in my career choice, I am still fascinated by how appliances work and especially how they have changed over the years. However, I have noticed one trend I don't like, and that is that too many appliances are thrown out when all they need is simple, quick fixes. I don't think that today's generation really knows when appliances can be fixed instead of replaced and how much money they are throwing away by not knowing! I decided to create a blog to share my tips with everyone, and I hope I can play a part in teaching young people today about appliances.